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Sunday, July 1, 2007

Keyboard Shortcuts for Top Web Services

c - compose a new mail
/ - puts your cursor in the search box
k - move to newer conversation
j - Move to older conversation
n - next message
p - previous message
o or Enter - open a conversation
u - return to conversation list
y - archive a conversation
m - mute (archive and make all future messages from this conversation skip the inbox)
x - select conversation
s - star a message or conversation
! - report spam
r - reply to a mail
a - reply to all recepients
f - forward message
Esc - escape from input field
ctrl+s - save draft

control + b - Bold
control + i - Italic
control + l - Blockquote (when in HTML - mode only)
control + z - Undo
control + y - Redo
control + shift + a - Link
control + shift + p - Preview
control + d - Save as Draft
control + p - Publish Post
control + s - Autosave and keep editing
control + g - Hindi transliteration

Yahoo! Mail
m - check mail
Shift+m - check all mail
Ctrl+\ - close current tab
n - new message
Shift+n - new message in its own window
r - reply
Shift+r - reply in a new window
a - reply all
Shift+a - reply all in a new window
f - forward message
Shift+f - forward in a new window
k - mark as read
Shift+k - mark as unread
l - flag
Shift+l - clear flag
del - delete item
p/Ctrl+p - print
Ctrl+s - save draft
Ctrl+Enter - send message
v - turn reading pane on/off
Ctrl+[ - navigate through tabs
Ctrl+] - navigate through tabs
Enter - open message in its own tab (when message is selected)
Enter - edit contact info (when contact is selected)
Ctrl+f - find a word or phrase in message
F11 - expand window to max height
Ctrl+. - next message (in message tab)
Ctrl+, - previous message (in message tab)
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+up arrow/down arrow - next/previous message
Ctrl+Shift+End - skip to oldest unread message
d - move message to folder
Esc - close read - message tab
Ctrl+Shift+End - start a new chat
Official list of Yahoo! Mail shortcuts


Alt+B - bold
Alt+I - italic
Alt+Q - Blockquote
Alt+T - more (Read More tag)
Alt+U - ul (Unordered list)
Alt+O - ol (Ordered list)
Alt+L - li (list item)
Alt+A - link
Alt+C - code
Alt+S - ins
Alt+D - del

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